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Tubac Oil 'N Vinegars

Smoked Dark Balsamic Vinegar 375 ml.

Smoked Dark Balsamic Vinegar 375 ml.

Regular price $20.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $20.00 USD
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Smoked dark traditional aged vinegar is a specialty vinegar that combines the rich, aged flavors of traditional dark vinegar with a smoky essence, resulting from a smoking process. Here's a description of its characteristics and potential uses:


  1. Color: Dark brown to almost black, similar to traditional aged vinegars.
  2. Flavor: Rich and robust, with a pronounced smoky undertone that complements the vinegar's acidity.
  3. Aroma: Smoky and earthy, with hints of the vinegar's fermented notes.
  4. Aging: Typically aged for an extended period, which enhances its complexity and depth of flavor.


  1. Salad Dressings: Adds a unique smoky depth to vinaigrettes and dressings, perfect for hearty salads with robust ingredients like grilled meats, roasted vegetables, or leafy greens.

  2. Marinades: Ideal for marinating meats, poultry, and tofu, where the smoky flavor can enhance grilled or roasted dishes.

  3. Sauces and Glazes: Enhances sauces and glazes for meats and vegetables, particularly those prepared on the grill or smoker, adding a distinctive smoky character.

  4. Cheese Pairing: Drizzle over cheese platters, especially with bold cheeses like smoked gouda or aged cheddar, to complement their flavors with a smoky touch.

  5. Desserts: Can be used sparingly in dessert recipes such as fruit compotes or reductions, where a hint of smokiness can add depth without overwhelming sweetness.

  6. Cooking: Great for deglazing pans to create flavorful sauces for pasta dishes or added to stir-fries and braised dishes for added complexity.

  7. Beverages: Used sparingly in creative cocktails or mocktails to add a smoky twist, or in savory drinks like Bloody Marys for an unconventional flavor profile.

  8. Pickling: Suitable for pickling fruits and vegetables, imparting a unique smoky flavor that can be particularly appealing in barbecue-style pickles or relishes.

Smoked dark traditional aged vinegar is a versatile ingredient that can add a sophisticated smoky flavor to a variety of dishes, enhancing both savory and sweet preparations with its unique profile. Its rich and complex characteristics make it a favored choice for culinary experimentation and gourmet dishes.

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